
A Chance to Make a Smaller Tzedakah Contribution into a Large One for SHUVU
June 23, 2015
A Chance to Make a Smaller Tzedakah Contribution into a Larger One for SHUVU
A relatively new outfit called www.charidy.com has come up with a tzedakah platform that has proven successful in helping organizations raise money from smaller donors by securing matching grants for every dollar contributed. After securing the matching grants, organizations set a goal that they then must reach during a 24-hour period or lose all the money pledged.
As I write, SHUVU, a network of over 50 schools and pre-schools in Israel, is still almost $400,000 ($100,000 in small contributions) away from its $1.6 million goal, with less than five hours to the deadline. Every dollar contributed will be matched three-fold by committed donors.
Originally developed to attract children from Russian-speaking families to schools designed to remedy the great deficits in their religious education caused by 70 years of Soviet rule by offering a superior educational program in math and languages and a respectful, calm educational environment, SHUVU has also begun to attract native Israeli children over the last decade. Its proven formula for success also offers a model that can and should be employed to benefit French-speaking immigrants flooding into Israel at present, who will otherwise be rapidly secularized.
I have probably written about SHUVU close to thirty times over the last fifteen years, and visited at least fifteen different SHUVU schools. (The articles can be found at www.jewishmediaresources.com). For many years, I shared offices with SHUVU's headquarters, and I know the organization very well and have researched it thoroughly.
SHUVU has set itself a goal of $1,600,000 for today's event. It is a great organization, with a dedicated and talented staff, that provides an educational model worthy of emulation. If today's fundraiser succeeds, it will be able to greatly expand its reach and begin with its plans for creating French-speaking frameworks.
Please act quickly. There are only a few hours left. Go to www.charidy.com/Shuvu
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